Photo de groupe sur la plage Costa Rica


Nowadays, it is essential to go abroad to live an experience: beyond language learning, international mobility is a source of personal development, getting out of your comfort zone, gaining autonomy, open-mindedness, self-confidence… So many assets to build tomorrow’s future.

Since 1999, the ARAM non profit organisation, made up of a human-sized team, has been supporting anyone wishing to experience an immersion in France.

At ARAM, we offer different options adapted to your project whatever your profile (beginner or experienced), your age, your budget and your availability.

  • High school program in France for middle and high school students from the age of 13
  • Language training in an language school from 15 years old
  • Language assistant

We wish you a pleasant navigation on our site and remain at your disposal for further information about our stays.


Evolution in French / Dominique from Brazil

Evolution in French / Stella from the USA

paiement sécurisé par CB
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